Winner 2022 / Men's Fashion / MEN'S FASHION

The Home Collection

Photo Credit: Tyler Krueger



  • University
    Auckland University Of Technology
  • Lead Designer
    Tyler Krueger
  • Design Team
    Sue Engels, Neville Brunker, Leica Johnson, Ella Thornbury
  • Prize
    Winner in MEN'S FASHION
  • Expertise

My collection is a personal exploration of the history of footwear in Aōtearoa, both Pākehā and Māori - rediscovering my own Whakapapa and Hū and reflecting on details such as Hobnails and Crampons used for versatile climates in Aōtearoa. Sharing a similar utilitarian function-inspired aesthetic to Dirk Bikkembergs' early high-end shoe designs heavily impacted my own design process - but by using only natural Veg-tan and local repairable materials in personalised traditional silhouettes added to giving my own personal take on modern footwear.

Kia ora koutou katoa!

My name is Tyler Krueger and I am a third year fashion design Grad at Auckland University of Technology.

I initially began my degree with the intention to explore tailoring methods, I found myself drawn to footwear design and construction at the beginning of 2022 after my top surgery and planning the final year of my degree.

With a strong passion for rediscovering my Whākapapa / Ancestry, combined with a big urge to push the climate change agenda, I hope to reshape modern footwear to represent my developing design language.

Thank you for all your time!
Ngā mihi

Other prizes
Restore Trust Scholarship (2020) AUT Undergraduate Scholarship (2021 / 2022)