Winner 2022 / Women's Fashion / WOMEN'S FASHION

Heaute couture from left overs

Photo Credit: Heaute couture from leftovers



  • University
    Tomas Bata University In Zlin
  • Lead Designer
    Zuzana Ondrušíková
  • Prize
    Winner in WOMEN'S FASHION
  • Expertise

We live in age of endless resources and options. Luxury is everyday must. But how much we and our kids will pay?
Haute couture is luxury in pure form. Can it be different? It all depends on the approach to design. My approach showed me the way is through the processing of high-quality material residues in the form of patchwork. Combining clean lines, leftovers material and quality craft, with an emphasis on detail produced a collection that became key to considerate luxury. My high fashion footwear does not creating leftovers but using them in the spirit of zero-waste and recycling principles.